Monday, August 21, 2017

The world at 58

My inference on this universe at the age of 58 may be different than everyone else, but unless I express it in my own words, no one can compare. Please forgive me if I am wrong. Mankind will never be able to understand the mystery of this universe .It is above and beyond the power of his brain or its ability of comprehend. Sky is not the limit! I believe in the creator only because of this. Otherwise, with the passage of time( a couple of million years), oil pipelines should break into pieces automatically to become intercontinental missiles by themselves, based on the theory of evolution. Three dimensional space is within our reach, and when time is added, things get more complex. Is it possible to go back into time, recreate an event, even for a fraction of a second?.  Are we only moving forward? What other directions and dimensions we have?  Linear, planer, coplanar, three dimensional? . Sometimes, I imagine myself to be sitting inside a birds nest on a tree which is part of a huge forest and I see my world circular, tubular geometric etc, and I use some mathematics invented by someone to measure it. For me, the universe is like the birds nest. When the bicycle was invented, it was the fastest vehicle on earth, and the only way to travel faster was to jump from a cliff. We believe, many things exist, there is White House in the US, man landed on the Moon. Is there a tree light years from the Earth? When can we invent something which has brains, can withstand high temperature (100,000degree centigrade), and travel a light year per hour? It can travel about 10,000 light years per year to search for trees around. When I look at the sky in the evening, it is million times picturesque than the pictures of the tarantula nebula or other galaxies which our Hubble Space Telescope has sent us with great difficulty. Just look at the wings of a butterfly. Who is that great artist to give such a beautiful design on its wings? Why my brain said it is beautiful?  Sense of beauty is different for all. So what is real or reality? Everything is relative to something.  Someone’s like is another’s dislike.
About time, we have created seconds and minutes. Whereas cosmic activities take place in billions of years, distant galaxies have to be measured in terms of light years. Human beings life would be just a breeze then. What if we could live for 200 years? The next 200 years would see 2000 years of progress when we compare the previous millenniums. By 2100, many cities on the sea sides will sink into the oceans. Many cities will have day time temperature ranging from 45 degree centigrade and up, and would be inhabitable.  Sky would be busier than the roads with drone cars. Space suits will be sold in the malls (if they exist) along with suits and pants .Robots would take care of senior care. Everyone would be identified with a chip installed in the body, and it will take care of banking, buying selling, and would eliminate currency, passport, and ID. How will be our family and family life? I am still thinking and wondering.   

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